Challenges for Humanoid Robots in Simulation
To complete the task successfully
  • Take the time to install the program
    It may take several days to install the program to complete the task before finding out all the problems that prevent a successful installation.
  • Listen to 2 online consultations
    It is recommended to listen to 2 online consultations that will be held for participants.
  • Install the program in advance
    It is recommended to start the installation 5 days before the delivery of your work.
  • Set aside 2 hours to complete the task
    The estimated time to complete the task is 1-2 hours, if the program is successfully installed.
About the task
The task consists of 1 exercise that you need to perform by installing the simulator on your computer with the Windows operating system.
  • 1
    Task: Penalty Shootout
    Program the strategy of the player who scores a penalty
Button to download the program
To complete the task, you need to download the installation package to your computer from the Internet at the following link and install it following the instructions in the installation program.
About the installation
If you have a Webots version other than version 2021b installed on your computer, then you need to uninstall it and then install Webots version 2021b.
  • Test run
    After installing the software package on your computer, you need to make a test run of the game by clicking on the file C:\Elsiros\worlds\FIRA_2023_sprint.wbt
  • Loading
    After starting all the components of the game (you have to wait, sometimes it takes a few minutes to start, although if everything is in order, the robots usually start playing 1 minute after starting the game), the game itself begins.
  • Help
    If the game does not start for more than 5 minutes, it is better to seek advice on the forum / or in telegram
Task: Penalty Shootout
Detailed description of the competition
To begin with, it is recommended to see how the penalty shootout game happens by running the program C:\Elsiros\worlds\FIRA_2023_penalty.wbt
  • 1
    Description of commands
    Your team plays in blue T-shirts. The team in red T-shirts is a team with a standard strategy of the game
  • 2
    Initial parameters
    If nothing is changed in the parameters of the blue team's striker, then it is highly likely that it will lose
  • 3
    Defining a change in strategy
    Changing the strategy is determining the strength and direction of the strike in different sectors of the field
The goal of the task
Your task is to change the strategy of the blue team's attacker for a successful result
Changing the strategy
In the program used, the gate for the attack is on the right. On the left are the gates that need to be protected
  • Opening the program
    You can change the strategy through the program

    To do this, you need to type the following commands in the command line console:

    cd C:\Elsiros\controllers\FIRA_TEAM


    After launching the interactive "Strategy Designer" window, you need to download the current strategy from the file: C:\Elsiros\controllers\FIRA_TEAM\Init_params\strategy_data.json

  • Description of the playing field
    The field is divided into 20x20cm segments. Each segment is assigned the direction and force of impact

    When the ball is in a certain segment, the attacker applies the direction and the force that you determine

    In each segment, you need to determine the direction and force of the impact, for this you need to click on the segment
  • Changing the direction and force of the kick
    Using the YAW slider or the digital field, you assign the direction of impact. The magnitude of the angle in the digital field is expressed in degrees

    Using the slider or the digital POWER field, you set the kick. The force of the kick in the digital field is expressed in the multiplicity of the weakening of the kick (1 - strong kick, 3- weak kick), gradation from 1 to 3

    The yellow segment shows the most likely point of arrival of the ball after the kick
Since the simulator introduces random disturbances into the game, don't be surprised if you don't see the result of the strategy change right away. In order to see the result, you need to do a large number of games
After the changes are made, you need to save them
  • 1
    Writing to RAM
    In order for the program to remember the changes made in RAM, you need to click on the "Record" button, then you can move on to the next segment
  • 2
    Saving to a file
    After you finish editing the strike strategy matrix, you need to save it to a file: C:\Elsiros\controllers\FIRA_TEAM\Init_params\strategy_data.json
    To do this, you can use the "SaveExit" button or the "File/Save" or "File/Save as" drop-down menu
  • 3
    Checking the results
    After changing the strategy, you can check the result by running the program C:\Elsiros\worlds\FIRA_2023_penalty.wbt
The FIRA jury will run 3 series to identify a reliable result
Sending results
Instructions for your solution
Sequence of actions
  • Required files
    From the folder
    You need to transfer the following files:

  • Letter format
    The files must be sent by email:

    The email message must indicate the name of the team and the type of competition "FIRA_Penalty"
  • Feedback
    You should receive a response about the successful receipt of an email message.
    If you have not received such a message during the day, then you need to communicate with the jury via WhatsApp or Telegram: